Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jack's First Portrait

Well, I can't believe that we broke down and had pictures taken of Jack. We went to this place called Portrait Innovations and they did a good job, and we got a CD with the pictures so that we could put them on the blog...so here they are. We got them taken on July 13th (which is our anniversary, and Jack had just turned 4 months old!) I guess that makes it our anniversary present...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Visiting with Grandparents!

Well, Jack finally got to meet all his grandparents and it has been great to be able to spend time with them. My mama and Mike's mom have enjoyed holding him while he is napping and Mike's dad has been singing to him, while my daddy is teaching him how to smile because he is smiling at him all the time! Jack's personality is showing more and more every day and I think that he is like me...I don't know if that is a good thing or not. When I used to get on my mama's nerves she would always say..."I hope you have 10 just like you..." I'm not sure if she was being nice to me or mean to me...I guess we will see! These are some pictures of Jack meeting his grandparents. He may look scared, but he's not! I think the picture of Jack and my mama is the funniest picture ever!
Mike, Mike's Mom, and Jack's arms
Mike's Dad and Jack
Caroline's Mama and Jack

Caroline's Daddy and Jack