Thursday, August 9, 2007

What to Send!!!!!

Some of you have been asking us what you can send. These are some things that would make our lives better:

  • Damprid (or anything to remove moisture)!!!!!!!!
  • Spices of any kind
  • Good recipes of any kind that you have...(we have to do much more food preparation here)
  • Plastic Containers of any kind
  • Bulletin Board Border (for Home Economics and Math)
  • Any kitchen utensils (to be used in the classroom, there are three kitchens)
  • Hemguages (to be used in the classroom)
  • Any sewing supplies that you don't need (to be used in the classroom)
  • Paper muffin cups
  • Ziploc Bags
  • Powdered Gatorade
  • Yarn and Thread (they are way more expensive here)

Just to let you know...apparently it cost between $25.00 and $30.oo to send anything here and it takes almost a month to get here even if they tell you it will take 6-10 days. Letters take that long too. If you would rather give us something to take back when we come home in December that would be great too! Thanks in advance for all of your prayers and whatever you send! We are so blessed in the states. This school is blessed as well compared to other schools here, but still has no where near what we have in the states. A lot of the stuff that we threw away in the home economics labs when we were cleaning out at North Forsyth is the type of thing that they are using here! It is amazing what you make do with when you don't have it!

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